Philanthropy Expert and Transformational Change Agent



Combining industry statistics, case studies, interviews, and “how-to” tips, Lisa Dietlin's practical guide for philanthropy professionals gives insight into the philanthropic behaviors, decision-making patterns, and expectations of entrepreneurs, and provides best approaches for securing contributions and donations.

“Philanthropy is a grown-up word for sharing.

It’s about giving up your resources – be it time, talent, or treasure – to make the world a better place. And transformational means you’re looking to give without expecting anything in return.

What most people don’t realize is that there are 12 million people working in this field, that’s 10.6 percent of the workforce. It’s the third largest employment sector in our country after retail and manufacturing. There are more people working in the nonprofit sector than work in oil and gas, the automotive industry, or electronics and technology.

At the end of the day, you know you’ve changed someone’s life. You know you’ve changed the trajectory of something that’s going on. And when you put your head on the pillow at night, you can close your eyes and say ‘You know, I made a difference today.'"

~ Lisa



© 2018 LISA M. DIETLIN/, All Rights Reserved

Founded by Transformational Change guru Lisa M. Dietlin, The Institute Of Transformational Philanthropy is a resource for those who want to “Do Philanthropy Better."

ITP provides resources, training, and recognition to philanthropic and nonprofit leaders who are Making a Difference® by providing them with tools and support to produce impactful philanthropic outcomes. 



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