Philanthropy Expert and Transformational Change Agent

I Got Hit By A Taxi But You Look Run Over:

​​​ ~ Lisa

Lisa Dietlin, I Got Hit By A Taxi

I Got Hit By A Taxi


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What would it take for you to change your life?

​What would you give up to follow your dreams?

What would have to happen for you to live a daily life filled with happiness and joy?

These were questions I often pondered as I went through my work days rushing from meeting to meeting and usually complaining that I wasn’t having any fun, wondering when happiness and joy would settle into my life.  

Then it happened.  ​I got hit by a taxi.  And I heard a voice. A voice that shared with me the most important lesson I would ever learn in my life.

I GOT HIT BY A TAXI BUT YOU LOOK RUN OVER is the story of a life transformed in the most unexpected way.

I hope that by reading this book, you will also look at life differently and find your own way to a life filled with happiness and joy.

Life Lessons about Happiness and Joy

© 2018 LISA M. DIETLIN/, All Rights Reserved

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